So, full disclosure.. We sometimes get self-conscious about the fact that we are absolutely not traditional “business” people. We’ve had to learn so many new terms, abbreviations and are constantly treading water since we entered into the world of finance, business and marketing. 

We’re constantly googling terms and discussing ideas that we have never heard of before - But what we do know is that we’re passionate about what we do and about making fashion more inclusive for everyone. And that’s what we keep coming back to.

We refer to ourselves as Accidental Entrepreneurs. 

We have started this business because we saw a need and a gap and wanted to make opportunities for people who are so often just not thought of. The more we research and the more we continue to look into it, the more we realise that this is such a significant and totally unnecessary oversight.
There is absolutely no reason that the fashion industry in Australia and all over the world for that matter can’t be more inclusive. We have been delighted to see that since we began our journey into the depths of the Australian fashion industry two years ago that things are beginning to change. We are so delighted to even be a small part of that and are so excited to be at the forefront of Inclusive Fashion in Australia.