HELLO! Welcome to the first ever JAM blog! We’re excited to have you here reading this (Hi to our Mum’s!) and we couldn’t have picked a more cliche subject.. But sue us! 

We love our name and we love what it represents so we’re going to continue to shout it from the rooftops until we think of a new blog topic. 

Our “About Us” page lightly touches on the fact that we’re Occupational Therapist’s and that JAM is inspired by two young Australian’s, Jack And Maddie. In today’s blog post, we are going to share with you a little more about our faves.

Jack is a young man who loves trains, planes and automobiles. He is a bit of a daredevil and loves going fast. He really enjoys going on the Liberty Swing (If you haven’t seen these - check them out! So cool!) and going out and getting dumplings - DEEELISH.

Maddie on the other hand is incredibly girly, loves anything pink and enjoys getting out and about. She loves going for walks but will also happily chill out at home watching tv or listening to some books. 

When we initially named JAM, we selected it over a myriad of other options because we wanted our brand to be about the people we were doing it for and who they are, not the fact that the clothing was “adaptive” or “assistive technology” (More on these words coming up in future blogs) or focused on people’s disability.

We wanted to name our brand something that was meaningful to us but that also sounded like any other fashion brand. 

We wanted to name our brand after something that was fully inclusive and showed that this brand was created for everyBODY. 

It’s cute, it’s quippy and we liked it better than MAJ the label, so here we are. 

We’ve come a long way since we originally chose our name almost two years ago and we can’t wait to share our thoughts, learnings and some great stories with you in future blog posts. So stick with us as we begin our journey into the blog-esphere.

It’s great to be here!